Master Selenium with Java: Transform Your Automation Skills at Our IT Training Institute

 In the ever-evolving landscape of technology, automation has become a key skill for IT professionals. Whether you're a developer, tester, or an aspiring IT enthusiast, mastering automation tools can significantly boost your career. Our IT training institute is excited to offer a comprehensive course on Selenium with Java, designed to equip you with the knowledge and skills to excel in web automation.

Why Learn Selenium with Java?

Industry Demand: Selenium is the most popular tool for web automation testing, widely used by top companies globally. Java, being a versatile and powerful programming language, complements Selenium perfectly.

Career Growth: Automation skills are highly sought after. By learning Selenium with Java, you position yourself as a valuable asset in the job market.

Practical Application: This course is designed with a practical approach, ensuring you can apply your knowledge to real-world scenarios.


Course Overview

Our Selenium with Java course is structured to provide a balance of theory and hands-on practice. Here’s what you can expect:


Module 1: Introduction to Automation and Selenium

1.            Understanding the basics of automation testing

2.            Introduction to Selenium and its components

3.            Setting up the Selenium environment

4.            Overview of different Selenium tools: WebDriver, IDE, and Grid

Module 2: Java Fundamentals for Selenium

1.            Introduction to Java programming

2.            Basic concepts: Variables, Data Types, Operators

3.            Control statements: If-else, Switch, Loops

4.            Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) concepts

5.            Exception handling and file I/O in Java

Module 3: Selenium WebDriver

1.            Understanding WebDriver architecture

2.            Setting up WebDriver with Eclipse

3.            Locating elements: By ID, Name, Class, Tag, Link Text, Partial Link Text, CSS, XPath

4.            Interacting with web elements: Click, SendKeys, Select, Deselect

5.            Handling multiple windows, frames, and alerts

Module 4: Advanced Selenium WebDriver

1.            Implicit and Explicit waits

2.            Taking screenshots

3.            Handling browser cookies

4.            Working with JavaScript Executor

5.            Automating file uploads and downloads

6.            Using WebDriver with different browsers

Module 5: TestNG Framework

1.            Introduction to TestNG

2.            Setting up TestNG with Selenium

3.            Annotations in TestNG

4.            Creating and running TestNG tests

5.            Generating TestNG reports

6.            Parallel test execution

Module 6: Selenium Grid and Continuous Integration

1.            Introduction to Selenium Grid

2.            Setting up and using Selenium Grid for parallel test execution

3.            Integrating Selenium with Jenkins for Continuous Integration

Module 7: Real-world Project

1.            Applying all the learned concepts in a real-world project

2.            Automating a sample web application

3.            Best practices in automation testing


Benefits of Our Course

1.            Experienced Instructors: Learn from industry experts with years of experience in automation testing.

2.            Hands-on Training: Gain practical experience through real-world projects and examples.

3.            Career Support: Benefit from our career services, including resume building and interview preparation.

4.            Flexible Learning: Enjoy flexible class schedules and online learning options to fit your lifestyle.

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