Java Back-End Development...!!!



1. Introduction to JavaBack-End Development

Overview of back-end development

Role of Java in server-side programming


2. Setting Up a Java Back-End Project

Choosing a build tool (Maven, Gradle)

Project structure and organization


3. Java Web Frameworks

Introduction to Spring Boot

Java EE (Enterprise Edition) overview


4. RESTful API Development

Basics of REST architecture

Creating RESTful services with Spring Boot


5. Database Connectivity

JDBC (Java Database Connectivity)

Introduction to JPA (Java Persistence API) and Hibernate


6. Authentication and Authorization

User authentication using Spring Security

Role-based access control


7. Error Handling and Logging

Exception handling in Java

Logging frameworks (e.g., Log4j, SLF4J)


8. Testing in Java Back-End

Unit testing with JUnit

Integration testing with Spring Test


9. Asynchronous Programming

Java's CompletableFuture

Reactive programming with Spring Web Flux


10. Micro services with Java

Introduction to micro services architecture

Building micro services with Spring Cloud


11. Security Best Practices

Common security vulnerabilities in Java applications

Securing RESTful APIs


12. Deployment and Containerization

Packaging Java applications

Docker zing a Spring Boot application

Deploying to cloud platforms (e.g., AWS, Azure)


13. Monitoring and Performance Tuning

Application performance monitoring

Profiling and optimizing Java code

14. Continuous Integration and Deployment (CI/CD)

CI/CD pipelines with Jenkins or other tools

Automated testing and deployment strategies



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